Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Coconut Feeder

I was very happy to snap this picture of the Redpoll and Chickadee at out coconut feeder at the same time before they both flew away!  They are both such beautiful little birds and it's a special treat to have a Redpoll in the yard.


  1. You must have been fast on the button .... that Red Poll does not look like it's in the sharing mood ;)

  2. Too bad we don't see them very often. Maybe with this cold snap we're in though a few more will come for seeds.

  3. Jenny, thank you for stopping by and taking time to post on my blog today.

    I just noticed in your profile that you're a breast cancer survivor. ME TOO! Since 1996!

    God bless you with continued good health!

    XO Diane

    1. Thank you so much Diane!! God bless you with continued good health as well!!

  4. I love the coconut feeder...what a great idea! Sweet photo too!!

    1. Thank you Marie. It was a fun little feeder to make and the birds are enjoying it. I thought they'd go after the coconut inside the shell but they're just interested in the seeds.


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