Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Day to Dye For

 Karen organized a dyeing day & here's our table ready with all the various colours we would use & experiment with. The recipe was 2 tsp. of dye powder, a squirt of Palmolive dish soap, a splash of vinegar &  then filling up the litre jar with water.  I believe Jacquard & Ashford were the types of dye powder used.
We set up our clothes racks in the inner courtyard & here are a few of Marilyn's lovely samples drying.
 Here's myself making I have no idea what with a sponge, dye & fabric.
A few of my dyed fabrics & Rhonda's dyed wool drying in the summer sun.  Definitely looking forward to using some of my very own dyed material in future projects!!!


  1. Looks like such fun! Love the beautiful colors. I have never tried dyeing but my daughter has dyed yarn with kool-ade and that turned out really pretty.

  2. Thanks Diane, it was like being a kid again & great fun. I'll have to ask the other ladies in the group if they've ever tried kool-ade. Neat. :)


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