Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sheaf Stitch Butterfly

 Week 35 of TAST was the Sheaf Stitch and once again this was a new stitch for me.  Didn't have a clue for a few days what I was going to stitch but a butterfly sort of worked so this is what I tried to make.  It was rather funny today when Hubby Wubby walked by when I was stitching and commented on what a nice menorah I was making.  What??? This looks like a nine branched candle holder?  I thought it was pretty funny but added a few more sheaf stitches to make it look more butterfly like just in case :)
Went and flaked out on the dock for a bit this afternoon.  We haven't had any rain for a while now and the hills are looking rather brown and the water is a bit green.  Soon the boats and docks will be coming out as most people close up their houses at the lake as another summer has come and gone.


  1. nice to see a sheaf butterfly..perfect stitching!

  2. Looks like a nice butterfly to me! But, I can see where he might have thought it was a menorah while glancing at it while you weren't finished yet.

  3. Very nice and unusual way to stitch a butterfly!
    How nice that you can sneak out to such a lovely spot!


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